Our Commitment to Safety
While COVID-19 may no longer be at the forefront, we continue to prioritize the health and safety of our guests.
We've implemented a variety of safety measures during the pandemic that helped us ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for everyone. Though these protocols are no longer required, we remain committed to creating a safe and welcoming environment for all.
Watch our CEO’s brief message on the steps we’ve taken to ensure the well-being of our community.
Watch our CEO share how we’ve prioritized safety and community.
Hike for Life is an equal opportunity service provider and employer.
All participants in HFL events must sign a liability waiver and provide, if applicable, information on health issues that could impact their ability to complete the event.
PLEASE NOTE! Participants under the age of 18 must have a waiver and health information provided by a parent or legal guardian over the age of 18.
The following is not permitted on Hike for Life outings:
Inappropriate language or behavior that could be considered sexual assault
Smoking, vaping or drugs
Participating in a Hike for Life event if under the influence of drugs or alcohol
Firearms of any type
Playing music or other material without headphones
All Hike for Life participants will, to the maximum extent practical, apply the Leave No Trace Frontcountry Principles:
Be prepared for the trip: bring the five fundamentals appropriate for the event
Stay on designated trails
Pack out all trash and dog waste
Leave the area as you find it (leave plants and rocks in place)
Be careful with fire
Keep wildlife wild—keep your distance, do not feed or interact with the animals
Share the trails and manage your pet
NOTE! Hike for Life operates under special use permit from the USDA Forest Service, Pike National Forest; an event permit for select City of Colorado Springs Parks and follows the guidelines of all municipalities.